New day
Well, it's a new day. It's fall. And I love fall. Now in spite of the fact that it has been a really sad week here in Lancaster, and in spite of the fact that we will be holding the memorial for Scott's boss and mentor for the last 12 years on Sunday...I am going to start living joyfully again. It's fall. A time that is great for remembering that things end, but they also begin anew.
So - on a lighter note- I am determined to finish our little man's handprint sweater by the end of October (because it is finally sweater time). I'm also going to finish the laptop bag that I was working on last spring (it just needs a zipper and a lining and I can start to use it). Then I will allow myself to pick a new project. Yea for that!
This afternoon I will be, once again, teaching pottery to 15 3rd graders- and hopefully it will go a little smoother today (but how smooth can it get really when you are intentionally giving mud to 15 8 year olds...) Good grief, what was I thinking! Anyhow- pictures of their projects will follow at some point.
And now- it's time for me to stop reading knitting blogs and work. :-P
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